In a rut? A fajita style taco with an egg base gives a change up for typical taco Tuesday.
This taco has a few upsides, simple cheap ingredients and a very easy prep. But it fell short for us on the taste factor. We wanted to like it and it wasn’t terrible, but really wasn’t special in any way.
Taste: ??This taco would be better used as a breakfast burrito. The eggs are a nice change of pace but there could be a little more seasoning to help give it a little more flavor. We found it a bit underwhelming in taste. |
Appearance: ??Not the best looking taco we’ve tried. If we made it again we might try to add a little more color to it. The recipe suggests using two colors of bell peppers. We used only the red and it seems like using two might be helpful. Adding a bit more color like some diced tomatoes might help as well. |
Cost: ?????Another greatly affordable taco. This may be the cheapest taco yet. |
Difficulty: ?????One thing this one has going for it is ease of preparation. Prep to serving only took 15 minutes. This is another reason why we think this might be more useful as a breakfast style burrito. Would make for a nice quick meal. |
Verdict: No taco!
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tbsp butter (or ghee)
- 4 corn tortillas cut into strips
- 1 bell pepper sliced thinly (or ½ each of 2 different colored bell peppers)
- 1 jalapeño pepper minced (discard seeds for less heat)
- 4 eggs
- 1 tsp low fodmap taco seasoning
- 1/2 cup cheddar cheese
- cilantro and chives for garnish
- hot sauce optional
Add olive oil and butter to a large skillet and heat over medium heat.
Add tortilla strips and toast, stirring frequently, until crispy. Remove tortilla strips from pan.
Reduce heat. To now empty skillet, add bell pepper and jalapeño. Cook until tender.
In a small bowl, whisk together eggs and taco seasoning. Add seasoned eggs to peppers; pushing around gently with a spatula to scramble.
Once eggs are almost fully cooked, stir in crispy tortilla strips and cheese. Once eggs are done, top with cilantro, chives and optional hot sauce, and place onto a corn tortilla.
Taken from with minor alterations. See the original recipe here: http://www.